Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weekly Reflection

Unfortunately class was canceled in technology this week, so I was not able to get new information on creating websites. So, I will take the initiative and research topics I think are important and view examples on our classroom website so that I can get more ideas for my future projects. As I move along in my studies, I continue to get new information that I will be able to find useful in my profession. This is always a good thing. Learning to create web pages for my students and parents to view or learning how to create lesson plans. The more information I receive, the better I will be able to teach.

So what does this mean to me? Well, I will be better prepared for field work, something that is coming upon me and my colleagues very quickly. Also, I should be better prepared as each week passes and then semester, and then year. Working up to my final accomplishment of graduating and then pursuing a job in my profession.

With the future in mind, learning as much as possible in the field of technology will be extremely important for my future career. I must be able to keep up with the changing world so that I am capable of keeping up with my future students. I definitely do not want to start a teaching career and not know as much as my students. So, I must move forward, take in as much as possible and then some. Jumping into the next new phase of the technology world and being aware of what is available and what is coming. This will be my future.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Video Blog on Web 2.0

The video Web 2.0 was a video that did a quick overview of the new types of technology available on the internet. It did not go into much detail as to how everything actually worked. The video seemed to just introduce what is available and what maybe you would like to look into on a deeper level. The one thing that I did not know of was tagging. This was a new topic to me and with the help of the video, I will now have to look at this in more detail.

Classroom Reflection on Google Sites

Over the last two classes, I have been learning about google sites and how to make a classroom website. This application and knowledge will help me both as a student and teacher. Learning how to use this site and not only build a fictional site for my classroom as well as learn how to build projects with collaborators is an excellent tool. Not only in the field of education, but also as an overall tool with an indefinite amount of possibilities.

As a teacher, being able to create a site that my students will be able to access and view is a necessary component for teachers in our technology world. With google sites, I will be able to post announcements, homework, and any other classroom information that may be needed by the students. Not only will I be able to give information, I would also be able to have my students use the site to do homework and I would be able to give them input on projects and schoolwork as needed. This alone could be very helpful for many students giving them greater abilities in education.

The amount and types of technology available to students and teachers is unbelievable. The possibilities keep expanding and if you don't stay up with the new technology being developed you can definitely fall behind. As a future teacher, I feel that staying ahead or at least with the technology advances is necessary to become the best available teacher for your students. There are many teachers today in our classrooms that have no idea as to what is available. They may have been teaching for a long time and have not kept up on what is up and coming, but that is definitely not helpful to the student. As a future teacher, I would want to gain all possible knowledge available as well as continue to take technology courses so that I do not fall behind on new teaching strategies.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mr. Deuy Fractions

Watching this video, I found it entertaining yet possibly more of a distraction then a learning tool. Although the video is trying to reach out to young people and make learning interesting, the excess background noise makes it difficult to actually hear the rapping. But on the otherhand young students who are trying to grasp their fractions may want to take the time and they may learn a thing or two. I do think the video would be more enticing if the rapper looked not so geeky. Students may be more receptive to a more hip rapper. So, I had my 10 year-old daughter watch the video to find out her response. She and my 5 year-old daughter found it a bit entertaining. They thought that maybe it would help them to learn their fractions (my 10 year-old already knew most of the information in the video. But the one problem they seemed to have, as well as me was being able to hear everything that was being said. So, in the end I feel that this was not such a great learning tool.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week Reflection

As this week is going by very fast, I am reflecting on all my studies. Getting my life organized is my first priority. As I begin to do this, I begin to take a look at what is in my week for EDEL 3250. A fun and interesting project on google sites. What a great way to communicate with my colleagues and accomplish things on a more flexible level.

So what this means to me and my future students and colleagues is that communication is possible from most location as long as there is internet access. The ability to share ideas and help eachother with projects. With students on google sites you could actually be helpful on more levels than just in a classroom setting. I do hope that I will be able to use google sites throughout my teaching career.

The affect that all this new technology has on me, is that it opens up many more possibilities for my present and future positions. Creating different sites, free of charge, that other people can access and either use to their benefit or create is an awesome feature.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Techwatch Video

After watching the ESN TV video blog, I found it to be useful information for the technology world. The quick bit of news recieved from the video gives people the lastest news available on the subject of technology. The news on charging people extra for excessively using computers was interesting. I am not sure if this could actually be possible and if it were, how would that affect most of the population. Probably not a great idea at this point in time. Maybe it could have worked if it had been implemented from the beginning. But to try and impose such an idea at this time in our technology world would be quite difficult.

Holiday Blog for the Week

As I have come to the conclusion of another week, I am finding it challenging to keep up on all aspects of my life. As to summarize just my technology class, only having one actual session of class has been very frustrating. I feel that I am slipping behind in this course, yet I am not sure how I am slipping behind.

What I am to learn from this frustrating week would be to try and keep everything in perspective. Don't try and bite off more than I can chew. And take everything one step at a time. If I try and swallow my whole work load into one sitting I will then just go crazy. I have my plate full with school and family so I must prioritize keeping family first and hopefully all else will fall into place.

The affect this will have on me in the future remains to be seen. If I play my cards right and don't freak out, I suppose I will accomplish all my tasks and then some. This of course means to take care of my children first and foremost. And of course my spouse. Then I have to take care of myself mentally. This requires exercise (running, biking, hiking, or skiing) and then I will probably need that added outside release. A nice dinner, a good show, or a good glass of wine. Well with all that said my school work will have to fall in this mix somewhere. But if I can keep myself balanced, that should not be a problem.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Ideal Classroom

If I were to come up with an ideal classroom, I would want to start by having it located next to the beach with views of the Northern Pacific coastline. I would have plenty of windows in my classroom with great views and natural lighting. One wall of my classroom would open up so that on warmer days me and my students could have the air, sounds and smells circulate around the classroom.

The students in my classroom would come from families of average income, so as to be not too privelged. The parents would be outdoor enthusiasts and care about the environment. This being said so would the students. My colleagues would be friendly and easy going. They would also be hard working and helpful.

My teaching techniques would involve alot of hands on teaching and many outdoor activities. I would teach very little from textbooks and only use them as a guide and when necessary. Using computers in the classroom would be necessary in our technology world but not in excess. I would try to incorporate art and nature into my topics as much as possible. I would also add environmental education into my curriculum as I feel this is very important for our future. In this ideal setting I would prefer to start with kindergarten students and stay with these students thru their elementary years.