Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weekly Reflection

Unfortunately class was canceled in technology this week, so I was not able to get new information on creating websites. So, I will take the initiative and research topics I think are important and view examples on our classroom website so that I can get more ideas for my future projects. As I move along in my studies, I continue to get new information that I will be able to find useful in my profession. This is always a good thing. Learning to create web pages for my students and parents to view or learning how to create lesson plans. The more information I receive, the better I will be able to teach.

So what does this mean to me? Well, I will be better prepared for field work, something that is coming upon me and my colleagues very quickly. Also, I should be better prepared as each week passes and then semester, and then year. Working up to my final accomplishment of graduating and then pursuing a job in my profession.

With the future in mind, learning as much as possible in the field of technology will be extremely important for my future career. I must be able to keep up with the changing world so that I am capable of keeping up with my future students. I definitely do not want to start a teaching career and not know as much as my students. So, I must move forward, take in as much as possible and then some. Jumping into the next new phase of the technology world and being aware of what is available and what is coming. This will be my future.

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